God’s own country’ is full of scenic and breathtaking views. But aside from these, there is a tonne to do when you enter the mind-bogglingly green landscape of Kerala. A melange of culinary experiences, the beautiful beaches, the serene backwaters, and the massage are not the only things to do in Kerala.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Saturday, April 09, 2022
Spring is a wonderful time full of beauty and divinity, and what better place than the ever-surreal Ladakh to experience this season. According to a recent social media post by the Department of Tourism, Ladakh, you can soon visit the Apricot Blossom Festival in the Union Territory of Ladakh. The festival is all set to be a visual treat for travellers, as beautiful Apricot flower blossoms are going to mesmerise you during this time. The festival is being held from April 13 to April 22, 2022.
Friday, April 08, 2022
AfrikaBurn is an official Burning Man regional event, held at Quaggafontein in the Tankwa Karoo, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa since 2007. It is centred on the construction of temporary artworks in a semi-desert environment, some of which are burnt towards the end of the event. Many attendees wear elaborate costumes and create decorated "mutant vehicles".
Africa Burns Creative Projects (AfrikaBurn) was created in 2007 as a not-for-profit company, with the intention that it would serve as a vehicle for the creation and co-ordination of an independent South African Burning Man regional event. AfrikaBurn was originally conceived by Paul Jorgensen.
Paul Jorgensen had attended several Burning Man festivals and become good friends with Larry Harvey and the Burner family, he had come out to South Africa to see his parents and with the express intention of creating an artistic platform to unite and bring together his fellow South Africans on a playground without politic. His friend from school Robert Weinek (aka Miss Nesbitt) was the natural choice for collaborator. With his fabulous art and gallery background and experience as a cultural agitator, he was the perfect foil to marry Paul's energy with the "mandate" from Larry to get things burning here in Africa. Robert Weinek reached out to Liane Visser, realising that her intimate knowledge of the local art scene and experience as an outdoor promoter and party designer would be the perfect catalyst. Over a dinner at Malplaas the initial plan was hatched between the three cultural alchemists.......many of the early concepts like the "Binnekring" and "Buitekring" and the delightful inclusion of Afrikaans as the "official" lexicon were conceived of that night. It took nearly two years of behind the scenes knitting and weaving by these three, before the first event took place.
Thursday, April 07, 2022
Bangalore's major streets and layouts are now covered with burst panicles of delicate pink trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow throats. The springtime is the time when the Tabibuea Rosea flowers are to full bloom. You can witness the beauty of nature by talking a walk in a random street and you will find gorgeous trees laden with pink flowers. If not pink, you can always find yellow bougainvillea to brighten up your day!
Social media is filled with picturesque pictures of pink trees that is spread all across the city. Several residents have posted photos of namma (my) city Bengaluru and you cannot keep your eyes off such beauty.
The aroma of Indian culinary skill has reached foreign shores, attracting them in hordes to idyllic landscape of Kerala. Popularly known as 'God's own county', the small coastal region of Kerala is known for the spices and mouth-watering delicacies dripping coconut oil.
Wednesday, April 06, 2022
Originated from the peak of Ba Na, Than Tai hot mineral springs offer an opportunity to you have interesting experiences in Danang city. This is like a masterpiece that nature has given to Central Vietnam. Despite being in a coastal city, this hot mineral springs has the specific climate of Ba Na which has 4 seasons a day.Only in this place can you feel both the heat of the mineral springs and the cold of the upstream.
Tuesday, April 05, 2022
The early bloom of flowers on Almond trees in the sprawling historic Badamwari garden in Shahr-e-Khaas has become a source of attraction for nature lovers and tourists, alike. Situated on foothills of Koh-e-Maran, the 300 kanals garden was dotted with trees, flowers and cascades providing a soothing experience to the visitors. Historians maintain there was no record to suggest who laid the garden but they say it existed even before the rule of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin in the 14th century. A well covered dome in the garden is named after an Afghan ruler, Warris Shah. The bloom on the Almond trees heralded the spring. the garden was revived and formally thrown open for public in 2008.
Believed to be existing before the 14th century ruler, Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin, this comparatively lesser-known garden in Srinagar boasts streams and fountains that enhance the beauty of this 300 kanals park that is ideal for family picnics or enjoying the beauty of nature. There is also a dome-shaped structure that is named after Warris Shah, an Afghan Ruler.