Saturday, July 16, 2022

Solo Travel In Italy

With so many incredible places to explore, dishes to try, and sights to see, Italy is a fantastic destination for anyone new to solo travel. Besides having so much to see and do, Italy also offers the perfect stepping stones for adjusting from a total solo travel newbie to advanced solo traveler.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Italy is that it’s a destination for every type of solo explorer, no matter your travel style. Want to hike in the mountains? Head to the Dolomites. Does the foodie in you light up at the thought of treating you vacation like a weeklong feast? You have to take a Food & Wine Tour. Does the Venice, Florence, Rome trio make your travel-loving heart sing? You can hit all three in one trip!

If you know you want to take a solo trip to Italy, but are feeling a little nervous about how to travel solo in Italy, give your shoulders a shimmy and shake off those nerves. When you take a guided tour, you’ll have the safety of a group, the expertise of local guides, and the free time to explore at your leisure. Talk about the best of all the travel worlds!

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