Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Hindu Temples Outside India : Angkor Wat

In India, temples are a common sight, as our country has a very high percentage of Hindus. However outside India they are not so common. They do exist in almost every country but still the kind of footfall one gets to see in the temples in India, especially during festivals, it's nowhere else to be seen in the world. But, there are some temples outside India that are very famous and known for different reasons, like grandeur, ancestry, architecture etc. 

Angkor Wat' (or, ‘Angkor Vat'), a temple complex in Cambodia is the largest religious monument of the world. The country lies in the South-East Asia and ‘Angkor Wat' is its prime tourist attraction, so much so that one can see the image of it on the country's flag also. Angkor Wat is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and was built by the Khmer King Suryavarmanam II in the early 12th century. The temple is considered as World Heritage Site by UNESCO and can be seen listed on its website as well. The temple is admired for its grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its bas-relief structures and the number of ‘devtas' sculpted on its walls. Angkor Wat is an enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia. It was originally built in the first half of the 12th century as a Hindu temple. Spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.

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