Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Trek To Talang Pass

Talang Pass (4667 meters) is one of the highest passes of Dhauladhars and is a considerably difficult pass to maneuver. You will need our trained crew for crossing this dangerous and mysterious pass. It involves steep ascent and long walk on snows and technical route negotiation. The highest peak of this region Matterhorn (4946 meters) is north-west of this pass and Talang Pass serves as a base camp for climbing this beautiful peak. The name of the pass is derived from the local god Talang whose abode is supposed to be at the top of this pass. There are two very beautiful lakes near the pass (one is small though and called Dali) while the bigger one is called Arjun ka Talab and is the source of Bander khud. There are many beautiful waterfalls near the pass. This pass offers a commanding view of Manimahesh Kailash rage and Pir Panjals. There is a temple at the top of the pass made of rock slabs, cairns, tridents, bells dedicated to lord Talang.

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