Thursday, March 24, 2022

Vegas of China - Macau

Macau, or as we all also know it as ‘ Vegas of China’, is all about glamour, gamble, inspiring heritage, and a picture-perfect skyline. From casinos to Disneyland, there is a variety of nice places to visit in Macau. Certainly, this popular holiday destination knows the art of entertainment, regardless of the traveler’s age and preferences. But that is not all. This luxury destination with world class entertainment knows much better and has much more to offer and the many beautiful places to visit in Macau are proof. 

Macau happens to be a place that was under Portuguese colonial rule for 300 years and the culture that is followed here is a manifestation of the hybridity. The beautiful juxtaposition of China with Portugal comes out very naturally in the gorgeous Chinese temples that stand on Portuguese tiles and the language and even the name of food items. Be it pasteis de nata (Portuguese egg tarts), Chinese dim sum or anything else, it is all there and this blend and the mysteries makes Macau a beautiful yet complex place to unravel and the happening Macau tourist spots adds to it all.

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