Thursday, August 04, 2022

Hang Son Doong - World's Largest Cave

Hang Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is taken as one of the world’s largest caves. It is 5 times larger than the well-known Phong Nha Cave. This magnificent and amazing structure is the biggest chamber of Son Doong. This cave was created 2.5 million years ago. Tourists can camp near the Hand of Dog, which is a huge stalagmite. This looks like a dog’s paw, which attracts visitors to it! Centuries ago the roof of the cave collapsed, which created beautiful sections naturally which today are blanketed in lush greenery.

Located near the Laos–Vietnam border, Hang Sơn Đoòng has an internal, fast-flowing subterranean river and the largest cross-section of any cave, worldwide, as of 2009,believed to be twice that of the next largest passage. It is the largest known cave passage in the world by volume. Its name, Hang Son Doong, is variously translated from Vietnamese as 'cave of the mountain river or 'cave of mountains behind Doong.

The entrance to Hang Sơn Đoòng was found in 1991 by a local man named Hồ Khanh, while searching for agarwood, a valuable timber. Although he initially went to investigate further, he was discouraged upon approach by the sound of rushing water and the strong wind issuing from the entrance. Not thinking it to be of any great importance, by the time he returned to his home he had forgotten the exact location of the entrance. Later, he mentioned his discovery in passing to two members of the British Cave Research Association who were exploring in the local area. They asked him to attempt to rediscover the entrance, which he eventually managed to do in 2008, and in 2009 he led an expedition from the BCRA to the entrance.

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